首页>公司产品>面罩零配件>胶垫和鼻枕>伟康ComfortGel Blue衬垫和胶垫(中号)

伟康ComfortGel Blue衬垫和胶垫(中号)

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伟康ComfortGel Blue衬垫和胶垫(中号)

此款衬垫和胶垫适合飞利浦伟康ComfortGel 和ComfortGel  Blue鼻面罩。

The gel-filled cushion conforms around the nose and uses the SST flap to create a consistent seal all night. The gel technology allows for a greater variety in facial features such as facial hair.

This cushion and SST Flap can be used on both the original ComfortGel and the ComfortGel blue nasal masks.